It’s October and like all the cool families on Instagram; we headed out for a fun-filled morning at the Pumpkin Patch. Well, our toddler didn’t get the fun memo… The Reality of TakingĀ a Toddler to the Pumpkin Patch
Mount Hermon Family Camp 2017: A Recap Part 1
Every year, my husband’s family spends a week at family camp in the Santa Cruz redwoods. And when I say, every year, I mean his family has been going to Mount Hermon Family Camp since before Brady was born!
Summer 2017 Bucket List
It’s finally summer and the first summer Rowan can enjoy as a walking toddler! I decided to write a summer bucket list. Maybe this will become a summer tradition that Rowan can add his ideas to when he gets older!…
The Best Family Fun in Fresno, California – Small Fry Trail
Rowan loves being outside. I try to find activities and outings that satisfy his need for the great outdoors. Keep reading for the next installment of Fresno Family Fun. Today, we are hanging out at the Small Fry Trail at…
The Best Little Farm in Fresno: Basilwood Farm
When we moved to Fresno a few months before Rowan was born, I had a hard time finding resources on the internet to help us figure out life here in our new area. But then we found Basilwood Farm in…