Happy six months, Piper Leilani!
We celebrated Piper’s half birthday by taking some photos at a Christmas Tree lot just outside of town. It was a brisk morning and perfect weather for running around Christmas Trees, which Rowan did his fair share of. My regular and photographer and friend is out on maternity leave, so I had Brittany from bushelandapeck.photography snap a few photos of Piper. If you are in the Fresno area and need a photographer, definitely check her out. Two fun facts about Brittany: we met at a photography workshop and she did a mentor session with the photographer I used all year!
The Last Six Months
I haven’t really done monthly updates of Piper here on the blog. I have just been posting to Instagram and calling it done. For me, when a baby turns 6 months that’s when all the fun begins and the changes start to happen fast! Piper is already army crawling and sitting up by herself. The doctor says she’s a little show off.
At her six month appointment, Piper weighed 13 pounds and is 24 3/4 inches tall. She’s small, but oh she is mighty.
Piper also loves to eat. She prefers food over purees, but will eat both. She loves pieces of chicken, peppers, and peanut butter on toast. I usually feed Piper whatever we are eating.
Her sleep schedule is finally getting back on track. Piper has always been a good sleeper by 3 weeks she was sleeping six hours at night, but somewhere around 4 months her sleep lost it. Piper started waking up every two hours and wanting to party at 2 am for an hour or two. Thankfully, as soon as Piper turned 6 months, she started sleeping more at night.
We can’t wait to see what the next six months brings to Piper. She is our spunky adventurous girl, who loves her brother and her dog.
Piper’s Outfit
Piper’s bloomers are from one of my favorite small shops on Etsy, Littles Modern . They are currently on vacation right now, but they should be back soon
Piper’s bows are from Little Poppy Co monthly subscription!
[spacer height=”20px”] Rowan’s Outfit
[spacer height=”20px”]My Outfit