In honor of my 2nd Mother’s Day, I wrote a letter to my pre-baby pregnant self.
Caution: I will be honest and that may mean some TMI. You have been warned.
Dear pre-baby pregnant Nicole,
No one will tell you what happens after the birth (you know like the yucky stuff) because Rowan is going to come three weeks early. Although, I’m not convinced that anyone would tell you anyways. And because Rowan comes three weeks early, you won’t be ready since you wait til last-minute to get anything done. Mom even had to go out and buy diapers for you because you had none.
You won’t know you’re in labor like you have been saying your entire life and nothing will go as planned. I won’t ruin it for you, but nothing bad happens – the whole birth process just doesn’t follow your birth plan. Don’t worry, you do give birth at a birthing center in water.
Your in-laws will show up without you knowing, while you’re still naked in bed trying to figure out how to breast feed at 11 pm. Brady invited them, he just forgot to tell you during the craziness.
There will be a lot of yucky stuff. Period. No really, it’s like a period only a million times worst. Next time, buy the pads and tucks before the baby is born.
Everyone will want to come over to see Rowan the next morning and you will hate every moment because you look like and feel like crap. Learn to say no and be okay with it. People can wait 24 hours to see the baby. No one will hold it against you and if they do, you don’t want them in your life anyways.
Pooping will suck and you won’t poop for a week after Rowan’s born. It’s fine. You will be scared to go anyways.
You will not sleep for six months. Then when you start sleeping, you will get hemorrhoids, which nobody talks about either.
The smell of rotten breast milk will be your new scent because when you’re not nursing, you are leaking. Have fun with that.
There will be times you’ll wonder about the miscarriage. Dates and stages will be compared in your head, when you’re having a hard motherhood day. You will think that if the first baby made the May 2015 due date, would you be sleeping? Would nap times be easier? But then you’ll think, would you miss out on having Rowan? Getting to know and love the sweetest babe you ever laid eyes on? Don’t think about it too much, it will make you cry.
But despite all of the after birth horrors, having Rowan here is worth it. He will show you a type of love you never knew you needed. You’ll get through the newborn phase with flying colors.
Remember, like all the other moms, soon to be moms, and heartbroken moms out there, you are doing a great job.
Nicole (almost 2 years into this parenting gig)
Ps. Don’t worry about your weight so much. It will come off. Just eat the donuts.
Awww, great post! I’m on my third baby, and laughed out loud at this part: “The smell of rotten breast milk will be your new scent because when you’re not nursing, you are leaking. Have fun with that.” So true. Also, great minds think a like since my post today talked about all that gross stuff nobody talks about. I wish more people did, because I had ZERO clue about any of it for my first baby!
Very real mama!! I still remember those postpartum truths that no one prepared me for either.
My birth plan went right out the window as soon as we showed up to the hospital! And yes to eating the donuts!
Love this photo!
Oh gosh, so much of this resonates with me. I dont think that any one is truly prepared for everything that comes with post birth.
What a heartwarming letter. I learned all that in nursing school, but I’m sure I’m in for a few surprises in 5 months.
I loved reading this! They really don’t tell you about the yucky stuff that will happen after the birth! I also had little one early at 36 weeks. I also never thought I’d get kidney stones and loose my hair! The pooping part is awful!
Yikes, this brought me right back! So much truth here, I don’t know if I love it or if it makes me cringe!
Hi Brenda,
I thought the same as I wrote it! I almost didn’t share!
Such a wonderful post! Totally shot me right back to the early days. Which I miss, and am glad they’re done, all at once!